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  • Fayez Spa

  • Trees surrounding a golf course in London, Ontario

    Golfing in the Forest City

  • A small group of young kids dressed up like dinosaurs at The London Children's Museum located in

    The London Children's Museum

  • People walking  on a course up high in a forest at the Treetop Adventure Park at Boler Mountain located in London, Ontario

    Boler Mountain

  • Two people walking down a dirt path with historic homes in the background at Fanshawe Pioneer Village located in London, Ontario

    Fanshawe Pioneer Village

  • Two woman lounging near the wave pool on a sunny day at East Park locate din London, Ontario

    East Park

  • Inside the main theatre of Hyland Cinema located in London, Ontario

    Hyland Cinema

  • a colourful obstacle playground located inside of Play Away Indoor Park in London, Ontario

    Play Away Indoor Park